NapkinsLove Never Fails Custom Napkin - Pack Of 100

Sold & Shipped by Papel Custom Design

NapkinsLove Never Fails Custom Napkin - Pack Of 100

Sold & Shipped by Papel Custom Design

Note from the seller: Please tell us: 1. The names and date you want on the napkin 2. Size desired (See image #3) 3. Napkin Color (See image #3) 4. Any alternative foil colors desired (See image #3) 5. Event date (for delivery purposes)

A favorite verse, "Love never fails", is printed in lovely script font with the couple's personalization in real shimmering foil on these romantic beverage napkins. The price includes 100 napkins in the desired size. Color of foil and napkin can be changed, see options on image#3.

The beverage napkins are cocktail/beverage/cake table sized at 4.75" X 4.75".

The luncheon napkins are hors d'oeuvres/luncheon table sized at 6 1/2" x 6 1/2".

Papel has been in the business of designing and printing beautiful wedding accessories for almost 30 years, nestled in the West Texas town of San Angelo. Our goal is to provide the most creative pieces to our customers at reasonable prices and in a timely manner, from design to print to mail.

Product Specifications

Length: 4.75 in.
Height: 1 in.
Width: 4.75 in.
Weight: 0.50 lbs.

    about the artist

    byPapel Custom Design

    San Angelo, TX

    Papel has been designing and printing beautiful stationery and invitations for 30+ years, nestled in the West Texas town of San Angelo. We provide creative, custom items to satisfy the most discriminating taste. Papel Custom Design 2413 Sherwood Way San Angelo, Texas 76901 (325) 895-5244

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