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Minted helps artists thrive

Sell your work with Minted to grow your business with a partner who values creativity and craft. Our curated marketplace connects the best artists and makers with a global audience.

Why sell your work with us

Expand your audience

We’ll help you build your portfolio through our partnerships with Target, West Elm, Pottery Barn Kids, and more.

Build your business

As a leader in creating economic opportunity for artists, we thrive on helping you grow. After all, Minted could not exist without artists.

Learn from new artist friends

We provide a collaborative space for artists to have fun and learn together. In-person meetups, discussion groups, and more connect us.

Drive your creative growth

We’re proud to share that 87% of our community believes that Minted has helped them grow as an artist.

Showcase your work with the best

Consumer voting and expert curation place your work among the finest.

Find your balance

Artists enjoy the flexibility of deciding how they want to work with us and the freedom to follow their own creative direction.

Two ways to share your craft

Design challenges

Submit your work to an open-call competition. Consumers vote and we sell the winners as stationery, art prints, home goods, and more.

Minted handles the manufacturing, shipping, and customer support.

Winners receive an up-front cash prize and keep 6%-10% of every sale featuring their work.

Learn more

Maker marketplace

List your original artwork, artisanal gifts, stationery accessories, and more on our marketplace.

Make and ship your work directly to the customer.

Makers keep 75% of every sale. There are no up-front fees to list your work.

Apply today

Artist statements

Pati Cascino

Pati Cascino

“I decided to submit my art to Minted, seeking an outlet for my creativity. I was thrilled when my first drawing was chosen, and this encouraged me to continue creating.”

Pati Cascino, São Paulo, Brazil

Inhee Ma

Inhee Ma

“When I was sharing a studio with ceramic artists, I could see them using clay and glazes. I fell in love with the material and the creative possibilities it offers.”

Inhee Ma, Besançon, France

Teju Reval

Teju Reval

“I got hooked on submitting to Minted as I saw it was a great place to learn and get better with each new challenge.”

Teju Reval, Scotch Plains, NJ

Rachel Nanfelt

Rachel Nanfelt

“I’m so grateful for Minted. Being able to create—without running a business (which doesn’t come easily to me)—has allowed me to keep pursuing my creative goals.”

Rachel Nanfelt, Seattle, WA

Eric Beckett

Eric Beckett

“Camp Minted is such an inviting and creative space. Even with years between seeing each other, friendships pick up where they left off. It’s what makes this community special to me.”

Eric Beckett, Redlands, CA

Tania Medeiros

Tania Medeiros

“A photograph of mine was featured in Minted’s collection at Target during the pandemic. In a period marked by fear and grief, it served as a beacon of solace and resilience.”

Tania Medeiros, Elk Grove, CA

  • Pati Cascino
  • Inhee Ma
  • Teju Reval
  • Rachel Nanfelt
  • Eric Beckett
  • Tania Medeiros

Get creative with us

We invite members of our community to escape for an annual Camp Minted retreat, à la summer camps of our youth. This space, for artists to connect and renew their inspiration, is one of our community’s favorite things about Minted. We also bring that spirit to meetups around the world.

Frequently asked questions

What are the differences between design challenges and the maker marketplace?

Design challenges source designs and artwork for products manufactured by Minted, while the marketplace features products created and shipped by makers themselves. After running a design challenge to source artwork, Minted handles production and shipping of stationery, fine art prints, or other products featuring winning submissions. Makers on our marketplace handle their own production and shipping, offering creative goods and original art directly from their studio to Minted customers.

How does a design challenge work?

Artists and designers participating in a design challenge follow these steps:

  1. Look for design challenges open for submissions. Create an account here to be notified about future challenges.
  2. Download the challenge kit to learn about the design brief and challenge details.
  3. Submit your artwork and designs before the submission deadline.
  4. Vote on design submissions alongside Minted customers and artists.
  5. Winning designs receive an up-front cash prize and earn a percentage of all future sales.

What products can I sell on Minted?

Minted offers creative goods for the home and family in a variety of product categories. Our design challenges focus primarily on stationery design, art prints, and textile patterns. Makers can offer a broad range of products including original art and home decor, party and school supplies, seasonal decor, stationery accessories, wedding decor, gifts, and favors.

How do I get started?

  • To participate in design challenges, check out our open design challenges and create an account to be notified about future challenges. Submit your work to get started!
  • To list your work on the marketplace, submit this interest form to be reviewed by our merchandising team. You will hear back shortly!
  • If you have more questions about getting started, please email artists@minted.com.

Can anyone sell on Minted?