We’ll help you build your portfolio through our partnerships with Target, West Elm, Pottery Barn Kids, and more.
As a leader in creating economic opportunity for artists, we thrive on helping you grow. After all, Minted could not exist without artists.
We provide a collaborative space for artists to have fun and learn together. In-person meetups, discussion groups, and more connect us.
We’re proud to share that 87% of our community believes that Minted has helped them grow as an artist.
Consumer voting and expert curation place your work among the finest.
Artists enjoy the flexibility of deciding how they want to work with us and the freedom to follow their own creative direction.
Submit your work to an open-call competition. Consumers vote and we sell the winners as stationery, art prints, home goods, and more.
Minted handles the manufacturing, shipping, and customer support.
Winners receive an up-front cash prize and keep 6%-10% of every sale featuring their work.
List your original artwork, artisanal gifts, stationery accessories, and more on our marketplace.
Make and ship your work directly to the customer.
Makers keep 75% of every sale. There are no up-front fees to list your work.
Design challenges source designs and artwork for products manufactured by Minted, while the marketplace features products created and shipped by makers themselves. After running a design challenge to source artwork, Minted handles production and shipping of stationery, fine art prints, or other products featuring winning submissions. Makers on our marketplace handle their own production and shipping, offering creative goods and original art directly from their studio to Minted customers.
Artists and designers participating in a design challenge follow these steps:
Minted offers creative goods for the home and family in a variety of product categories. Our design challenges focus primarily on stationery design, art prints, and textile patterns. Makers can offer a broad range of products including original art and home decor, party and school supplies, seasonal decor, stationery accessories, wedding decor, gifts, and favors.