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Kasi Turpin

Kasi Turpin. Based in Chicago, IL, US.

  • 57 votes cast

About Kasi Turpin

I have heart felt devotion behind something you make with your hands. Becoming really inspired after finding my love of illustration I decided I needed to push myself further and share my passion in a community where handmade artisans are celebrated. I am currently lucky enough to be a graphic designer in the beautiful city of Chicago. I love practicing yoga, exploring the outdoors, devoting myself to a vegetarian lifestyle, and of course the sweet breeze of the pacific ocean.

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Amelia Gluba on Feb 22 2016
Amelia Gluba
  • Minted Jan 21, 2012

Welcome to Minted Kasi. Thank you for the like, it is much appreciated. Best of luck in the challenges.