33 Christmas Games & Party Activities for Family & Friends

Plan the perfect holiday party with our collection of Christmas games! From trivia to creative projects, find activities for every celebration.

Christmas and the holiday season should be a time to reflect, relax, enjoy, and celebrate the completion of the year. Whether you are planning a gathering for coworkers or friends or want to make a night in with your family feel a little more festive, we have put together a great list of fun Christmas games you can play. (As a side note, you may also enjoy reading through our list of additional fun Christmas activities for adults and children for even more ideas.)

From Christmas trivia challenges to some of our favorite Minute to Win It Christmas games, we think you will find at least a few ideas perfect for every occasion.

Photo by Zoé Madeline

Photo by Zoé Madeline

House Rules: Tips & Tricks for Planning the Perfect Christmas Game Night

Before we dive into our list, it is important to keep a few things in mind when planning games for a Christmas party:

  • Ensure that participants are prepared for wherever or however the games will be played. If this is outdoors, make sure to mention any advisable attire (a warm coat?) or appropriate shoes (sneakers or flats, not heels). This also includes helping those who may not be familiar with digital or online games, and making sure that they are able to properly use their technology well before the event actually starts.
  • Make sure to explain the game to everyone before asking for participants. Some people (especially in a work environment) may feel embarrassed to be put on the spot to answer trivia questions or perform a physical challenge in front of their peers.
  • Keep accessibility and inclusivity in mind when planning your games. Consider any physical limitations, sensory needs, or other factors that might affect participation. Having alternative ways to participate ensures everyone can join in the holiday fun!
  • For mixed-age gatherings, prepare simple modifications to games so different age groups can participate together. For example, younger kids might need shorter distances for physical games or easier categories for trivia. This way, grandparents and grandkids can play side by side!
  • Team games are usually more fun as they encourage camaraderie and competitiveness. As you organize Christmas games for your party, think about how you could split people into teams to enhance the potential for fun. If planning a company holiday party, you could create teams based on the departments they work in. If hosting a family party, you could have family members pick teams.
  • Consider having small prizes ready for an added element of fun. They don't need to be elaborate — simple items like candy canes, hot cocoa packets, or festive stickers can add excitement to any game. Even handmade certificates for "Best Team Spirit" or "Most Creative Answer" can make the experience more memorable!
  • Remember to leave time in the party schedule for socializing, eating, and drinking. While games are fun, party-goers don’t need to be constantly solving a riddle or guessing a Christmas tune. Allow at least 20 minutes between games, so guests can mingle and reflect on the fun they just had.

Classic Christmas Game Ideas


  • How many people: 6-20 players
  • Items needed: One wrapped gift per person
  • Difficulty: Easy

How to Play: This popular gift exchange game brings laughter to any holiday gathering! Have everyone sit in a circle with their wrapped gifts in the center. Draw numbers to determine play order. The first player chooses and unwraps any gift. Here's where it gets fun: each subsequent player can either steal an already-opened gift (forcing that person to choose another) or select a wrapped one. Each gift can only be stolen three times, and the player who goes first gets one final steal at the end.

Pro tip: Set a price limit and encourage creative, funny gifts to keep the game entertaining!


  • How many people: 4-30 players
  • Items needed: Paper slips for names, a container for drawing, and gifts
  • Difficulty: Easy

How to Play: Everyone writes their name and perhaps a small wish list on a slip of paper. Names are drawn randomly, with each person becoming the secret gift-giver for whoever they pick. Keep it super secret until the actual day when gifts are given. When exchanging gifts, take turns opening presents and trying to guess who your Secret Santa is. Want to make it more interactive? Have each person give three clues about their identity before the reveal. This tradition is perfect for offices, friend groups, or large families looking to simplify holiday shopping. (Don’t forget to check out our list of Secret Santa gift ideas to find the perfect present for the person you picked!)

Photo by Kate Bowler

Photo by Kate Bowler


  • How many people: 4+ (Best played in teams)
  • How much time: 20-40 minutes
  • Difficulty: Medium

How to Play: This classic game is a hit in person or online. You can use an online idea generator to select the topic for each round. Once a topic is selected, one team member must use their body language to act out the concept as their teammates work to figure it out. Remember, no talking is allowed!


  • How many people: 4+ (Best played in 2 teams)
  • How much time: 15-30 minutes
  • Difficulty: Easy

How to Play: You can recreate this classic TV game for your own living room! To play, the host will need to prepare a list of questions and popular answers in advance—get creative on who you poll for the answers! Maybe you send an email to Grandma for her top 5 answers. When you reveal the answers, instead of saying “survey says”, the host can respond, “Grandma says!” Go for a general winter and holiday theme, or narrow down to fun Christmas-specific ideas. Sample questions could include:

  • “Name one of Santa's reindeer.”
  • “Name one food you might have at a Christmas dinner.”
  • "Name something you find in a Christmas stocking"
  • “Name a word or phrase that begins with "snow".”
  • “Name a Christmas cartoon that plays on TV every year.”
  • “Name a Christmas plant.”
  • "Name something people do the day after Christmas"
  • "Name a classic Christmas movie villain"

As far as scoring goes, each member of a team gets a chance to name one thing that they think is on the list. If someone names an item that isn’t on the list, that team’s play is over and the other team can steal the round.


  • How many people: 2+ (Best played in teams)
  • How much time: 30-45 minutes
  • Difficulty: Medium

How to Play: Split the group into teams of four to six people. Distribute a scoresheet to all teams where they will record their answers. A host will ask rounds of questions to all groups who will then write down their answers. Be sure to mix up the difficulty level of the questions. Sample questions could include:

  • “In the 12 Days of Christmas song, what are their 10 of?” (answer: Ten lords a-leaping)
  • “Christmas Island is a territory that belongs to what country?” (answer: Australia)
  • “In 1965, what well-known Christmas carol was the first song broadcasted from space? (answer: Jingle Bells)
  • “In which modern-day country was St. Nicholas born?” (answer: Turkey)
  • “What popular Christmas song was actually written for Thanksgiving” (answer: Jingle Bells)

After about 20 questions, collect the score sheets and declare a Christmas trivia winner. If you are looking for ideas for some of your trivia questions, you may want to look through our other posts on unique Christmas traditions from around the world and the history of Christmas cards for fun facts.


  • How many people: 2+ (Best played in teams)
  • How much time: 30-45 minutes
  • Difficulty: Hard

How to Play: Divide the party attendees into teams and ask them to come up with creative team names (you could reward a bonus point or two for the best name). Distribute a scoresheet to all teams where they will record their answers. A host will then play a short clip of a holiday jingle and allow teams to write down what song they believe it is. To mix things up, the host can also stop a song at any point and ask for the next line of lyrics. For added fun, you could pull a team captain up from each team and provide them with the name of a Christmas tune. Those team captains then need to whistle the melody to their team for them to try and guess the song.


  • How many people: 2+ (Good for a classroom or individual game)
  • How much time: 10-15 minutes
  • Difficulty: Hard

How to Play: Most of the leg work for organizing this game is performed in the setup phase, as you’ll need to compile 20-30 image riddles for your participants to solve. You can create your own or find some through an online search. Below, we’ve listed a couple of these riddles.

  1. A drawing of playing cards stacked up in a home’s hallway (answer: Deck the Halls)
  2. A picture of a rocket and a foot with an arrow pointing to the big toe (answer: mistletoe)

Once you have enough picture clues, you can print them out and distribute the riddles around to everyone or present them on your computer screen. Set a time limit and play Christmas songs in the background while everyone is racking their brains to solve the picture puzzles. The person who solves the most wins! (Need the perfect holiday soundtrack? Check out Minted's curated Christmas playlist on Spotify.)


  • How many people: 5+ (Individual players)
  • How much time: 20-30 minutes
  • Difficulty: Easy

How to Play: Before the game begins, have every player submit a picture of their all-time favorite holiday present to the game moderator. If your gift is vague, be sure to explain what it is to the moderator. Once all images are collected, the moderator shows all of the gifts on one screen. Then each player guesses what gift belongs to what person. The player with the most correct number of matches wins. This game can also be switched up to share each player’s favorite holiday dessert or holiday tradition. There are plenty of different categories that can work for this holiday game!


  • How many people: 2+ (Individual players)
  • How much time: 10-15 minutes
  • Difficulty: Easy

How to Play: This game is exactly what it sounds like (and is a Christmas spin on the classic Pin the Tail on the Donkey). Mount a paper picture of a cartoon reindeer on the wall and equip all participants with a circular red cutout of Rudolph’s nose. Players must attach the red nose as close as possible to the wall drawing while blindfolded.


  • How many people: 2+ (Individual players)
  • How much time: 10 - 15 minutes
  • Difficulty: Medium

How to Play: The setup and preparation for this game are what will take the most effort as the party planner. Type up a list of about 30 or 40 Christmas-themed words where the letters have been scrambled up. Below are a few examples:

  • Estcalunase (answer: Santa Clause)
  • Leignj (answer: jingle)
  • Simotleet (answer: mistletoe)

Hand out a sheet to each person and let the competition begin! Set a time limit (5 to 10 minutes should do the trick, depending on how many words you included on your list) to keep the game feeling fun, and hand out a prize at the end to the person who unscrambles the most words. A perfect coordinating prize to award the winner is a Christmas storybook or even a beautifully designed journal, since they are so good with words.


  • How many people: 2+ (Good for team play or individual)
  • How much time: 10 - 15 minutes
  • Difficulty: Medium

How to Play: There are so many Christmas movies it’s hard to keep track of them all. And while many of us catch the classics on TV every December, not everyone is as familiar with their movie posters. Grab images from 20 or 25 popular movie posters and paste them on one sheet of paper or create a PowerPoint presentation to display them digitally. Using a photo editing tool (or simply a black marker), cross out the name of the movie on the poster. Hand out the sheets or display the presentation on your monitor and see if partygoers can correctly name the movie in this variation of Christmas trivia.

Here is a list of possible movies to include on your worksheet:

  • Nightmare Before Christmas
  • The Grinch
  • Arthur Christmas
  • A Christmas Carol
  • The Holiday
  • Home Alone
  • Love Actually
  • The Santa Clause
  • Spirited
  • The Polar Express
  • A Christmas Story
  • National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation
  • It’s a Wonderful Life
  • Bad Santa
  • Klaus
  • Miracle on 34th Street
  • Scrooged
  • Jingle All the Way
  • Elf
  • A Boy Called Christmas


  • How many people: 2-6 (Individual players)
  • How much time: 30 minutes-1 hour
  • Difficulty: Hard

How to Play: Prep for this game by writing Christmas-themed objects, characters, or events on index cards or sticky notes (aim for about 20 cards). When you’re ready to play, place the cards face-down on the table. Players will each select a card, and without looking at the word on the card, adhere it to their forehead. Players take turns asking yes or no questions to the other players to try and guess what word is on their card. If the answer to their question is “yes”, they can continue asking another question. If the answer is “no”, the player is done asking questions for that round, and attention is focused on a new player. Players try and eventually solve what word is on their card. This Christmas game can be a fun drinking game as well for the older crowd.


  • How many people: 2-6 players
  • Items needed: No Coal card deck (45 festive cards)
  • Difficulty: Easy

How to Play: This delightful holiday twist on "Old Maid" brings Christmas cheer to a classic card game! Players take turns drawing cards from each other's hands, trying to match pairs of jolly holiday images like candy canes, milk and cookies, mistletoe, playful elves, cheerful snowmen, Rudolph, and twinkling Christmas lights. But watch out—nobody wants to be caught holding the coal card when all other pairs have been matched! Perfect for players ages 4 and up, this game combines festive fun with simple gameplay that even the youngest family members can enjoy. It's an ideal stocking stuffer or holiday party activity that keeps kids entertained while building matching skills and creating memorable holiday moments.


  • How many people: 2+ (Individual players)
  • How much time: 5 minutes
  • Difficulty: Easy

How to Play: This game is very simple and should only take a few minutes, making it the perfect way to pick teams for future games or a quick icebreaker to get the holiday festivities started on the right track. Purchase a bag of large puffy marshmallows. Have two contestants take turns stacking one marshmallow on top of the next until the tower falls over. The person responsible for causing the tower to fall is then out. You could play this game with the full family and eliminate a player after each round.


  • How many people: 2-8 (Individual players)
  • How much time: 2 hours
  • Difficulty: Easy

How to Play: This game is best played in the comfort of your own home. Select your favorite Christmas movie and create some rules for when everyone takes a sip of their alcoholic beverage (check out our list of great Christmas cocktails for some ideas). For example, if you are watching The Grinch, you could take a drink every time a word starting with “Who” is said. Remember not to overdo it and drink responsibly!


  • How many people: 2-8 (Individual players)
  • How much time: 20 minutes
  • Difficulty: Medium

How to Play: Find out who has the best sense of smell! Blindfold contestants and have them smell Christmas-themed objects that have been placed in different mason jars or little boxes. Players can then write down what their guesses are — give the person who gets the most correct answers a fun, on-theme prize like a holiday candle.

Possible scented items include:

  • Gingerbread
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Peppermint
  • Eggnog
  • Pinecone
  • Chocolate
  • Cranberry


  • How many people: 2-4 (Individual players)
  • How much time: 15 minutes)
  • Difficulty: Easy)

How to Play: Have the holiday party host act as a referee. Seat two to four people in front of everyone and have them put on oven mitts. Place three shoe-box-sized boxes that have been wrapped in festive wrapping paper in front of each contestant. Once the referee says “go”, all contestants race to unwrap their gifts with their oven mitts on.