Congrats! The question has been popped, the enthusiastic answer delivered, and now you want to share the good news with your family and friends. It’s hard to keep such monumental news a secret for too long, so we’ve put together some unique engagement announcement ideas. Whether you are planning to share the news on your social media channels, send formal announcements in the mail, or verbally reveal the news through in-person or virtual gatherings, we hope you can take inspiration from our ideas below. Getting the perfect photo can be tricky! We hope our collection of 20+ cute ideas below will help you brainstorm the perfect idea.

“Composed”, designed by Olivia Raufman
Spell It Out
Rather than taking full body shots of yourselves or focusing on the ring finger, some may want to opt for an announcement that is artsy. Using Scrabble letters and the engagement ring, spell out what you both really feel right now – love! Seeing your hands embrace the ring and letters together will swell the hearts of those who learn of your big announcement, whether it be through Instagram, Facebook, or a mailed card.

Image source: Pinterest
Pop Some Champagne
Capture a picture of the two of you popping a bottle of champagne. Shake the bottle vigorously before popping the cork. You only really have one chance to get this shot right! Make sure the photographer takes a burst of photos so you can capture the best one. This engagement announcement idea can also be used as a surprise element when picnicking with friends or relatives. Spontaneously let the cork go flying and share your exciting news you have kept “bottled up”.

“It’s a Date”, designed by Joyce Pinheiro
Add Sidewalk Chalk
In 2020, we saw drive-through graduations and birthday parades brought to life with colorful street murals and sayings written in sidewalk chalk. Carry this idea forward when reviewing potential engagement announcement ideas. There are endless ways to feature chalk drawings in your pictures as a couple.

Image source: Pinterest
Feature Your Fur Baby
For many couples, Fido is an integral part of their lives and a mutual joy they share. So it’s only natural that this fur baby would be part of the engagement announcement. Position the engagement ring on your dog’s nose and snap photos before he starts wiggling around. Reward him with a treat, and delight your friends and family with a really creative announcement that includes the whole family. If you have a cat, consider taking a photo of his or her paw over the bride-to-be’s bling hand, or featuring the cat striking a pose on the floor next to the shiny ring.

Image source: Pinterest
Custom Clothing
One cute and creative way to announce your engagement is to wear shirts broadcasting it! Whether it’s on the front of the shirt or back, showcase that you’re now engaged through your clothing. For the couple that are huge sports fans, consider a custom jersey with “fiance” or “engaged” written in the nameplate and pose yourselves near or in the home stadium.

Image source: Pinterest
Show Your Normal Routine
During this strange time we’re living in, you may not have had an extravagant proposal on a Caribbean beach. Perhaps it was a romantic and intimate proposal in your living room or on the front porch. Use cute engagement announcement ideas like this one to share your intimate engagement and promise more wedding details as the planning unfolds.

“Together”, designed by Eric Clegg
Highlight the Great Outdoors
If you and your honey have been doing a lot of exploring outdoors, what better way to announce your engagement than with a picture of you doing what you love? Being out in nature surrounded by beauty will make your love for each other shine even more! Think if there is a favorite walk or hike that you like to take and caption your social media post with something like, “Looking forward to exploring the world together!”

“Lovely couple”, designed by Claudia Orengo
Include Balloons
Balloons are traditionally a celebratory accessory, so consider incorporating them into your engagement announcement idea. Purchase balloons that spell out the year you will be tying the knot. You can also feature the balloons in the backdrop of a virtual call if you wanted to surprise some friends over a hosted Zoom call.

Image source: Pinterest
Playful/Funny Pose
For the couple who’s always having fun and goofing around, consider using photos of piggyback rides, cartwheels, or fun poses that capture you both laughing and smiling. The beauty of your love is what makes you happy together. When brainstorming engagement announcement ideas, think how you can give people a glimpse into the silly side of your bond.

“Convey Our Love”, designed by MC Designs
Capture the Actual Proposal
What better way to announce your engagement than with a photo from the actual moment? If you had a friend or photographer snapping photos of your partner popping the question, use one of your favorites for the announcement. Your family and friends will feel like they had a front row seat to the event. When you share the photo on social media or through an announcement card, be sure to set the stage and write a couple sentences explaining how the surprise unfolded.

“Stacked Banner”, designed by Amy Kross
Close Up of the Ring
Taking photos of your engagement ring up close in a sweet and creative way is a great way to declare that you said “yes!” Try embracing your partner’s hand so the ring shows, putting your hand on top of his, or pinky promising with him so the ring shines. All of these “poses” will make those who view your picture in their social media feeds instantly know the major event that just transpired.

Image source: Pinterest
Caricature Drawing
We have all witnessed the impressive talents of caricature sketch artists. Commission an artist to re-tell your proposal story in cartoon form for the world to enjoy. Expect the social likes and shares to flood in! Plus, you and your finance can frame the artwork to enjoy for years to come. You could even feature the drawing at your wedding if you like.

Image source: Pinterest
Include a Famous Landmark
If the city you fell in love in has meaning to you, taking pictures near a landmark there can be particularly meaningful. Embrace by the Golden Gate Bridge, lock lips with the Statue of Liberty in the background, or hold hands under the Cloud Gate (nicknamed “The Bean”). Including a picture like this in your engagement announcement will remind people where your story started and how excited you are for the next chapter. Bonus points if your caption can somehow reference your location!

“Simple Elegance”, designed by Kasia Labocki
Feature a Collage
We get it, it’s hard to decide on just one image to reveal your news. Your love story has been a journey, and one of the sweetest engagement announcement ideas is sharing that evolution with others. Select images from your time dating, culminating with an image of you engaged. This tear-jerker of an announcement will be a great way to share your news with the world and a fun card to keep as a memento, too.

“Bold”, designed by Blustery August
Spelled Out on a Movie Marquee
This creative engagement announcement idea might be easier to achieve than you realize. Swing by a local theater, playhouse, or venue and see if you can negotiate with the manager to display certain signage on their marque for a quick photoshoot. You will most likely have to pay for their time arranging the letters, but the final picture will stay with you for a lifetime. The same effect could be achieved on a scoreboard, in case you have any contacts at a sports stadium or arena.

Image source: Pinterest
Feature the Entire Family
Why not include a photo of the entire family as part of your big announcement? Whether that’s the two of you and your fur baby or future step-children, bringing everyone together is a joyous moment. Visually paint the picture of the family that is being created.

“Handwritten”, designed by Ashley Rosenbaum
Play Up a Holiday
In the case that your proposal occurred around a major holiday or celebration, such as Christmas, New Years, Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Valentine’s Day, think about how you could include themes from that holiday into your announcement. There are plenty of creative ways to use candy canes, Christmas lights, candy hearts, and Halloween decorations to relay a message of love.

Image source: Pinterest
Elegant & Professional Look
It’s not often we dress up in an evening gown or suit and tie. Special occasions call for special wardrobes. Opt for an elegant engagement announcement using a photo of you two dressed up in your finest duds with a clean backdrop. This sophisticated look is bright and beautiful. It will pair perfectly with any of our unique engagement announcement card designs.

“Classic Date”, designed by Shirley Lin Schneider
Spotlight on Coffee Mug (or Glass)
Opt to announce your new relationship status in a cheeky way. Hold a coffee mug like this one, a champagne flute, or a wine glass that indicates that he put a ring on it. Posing with the ring in the shot really says it all.

Image source: Pinterest
Simple & Minimal
Sometimes a hug and gaze into one another’s eyes says it all. If you want your update to take on a minimalist feel, opt for a close up of you and your loved one with that beautiful engagement ring peeking through, of course! Sticking with the minimalist theme, include a short caption like, “It happened” or “I said yes.” As far as cute engagement announcement ideas go, this one will definitely delight recipients.

“Contempo Frame”, designed by Rebecca Durflinger
Creative In-person / Non Social Media Announcement Ideas
For couples that may not use social media or wish to break the landmark news in person with friends and family, we have assembled a few clever ideas below:
Host a dinner party
Invite friends over for dinner and surprise them with the news that you’re engaged. Subtly hint that there may be some news with a specially created doormat or cocktail napkins that say “Congrats!”
Schedule a virtual call
Invite friends to join you virtually “just because” and then share your engagement announcement. You can even set your virtual background to something wedding-related as a clue.
Mail a gift
Cleverly mail a small gift to your closest friends and family as a clue that you have news. Consider something like a miniature hourglass with a tag that reads, “we couldn’t wait any longer.”
Lean on your pet
Let your dog do the talking for you. Dress them up with a bandana that says “my parents are engaged” or “she said yes!” Then invite friends to meet you at the dog park and they’ll notice the exciting messaging right away.
Send a video
During a time when virtual communication is at its height, you might want to put together a short engagement announcement video. You can upload it to a free, private site and email the link to your family and friends. That way they can see you sharing your story about the proposal and your plans for the future at their leisure.

Image source: Pinterest
Engagement Announcement Wording Ideas
We have reviewed plenty of photo ideas. Now you just need the perfect words to flow along with it to communicate your excitement. There are many creative ways to say you’re engaged in a social media post, announcement card, or in an email. Here are just a few ideas:
- “[Month and date], 2021 – Updated my relationship status”
- “We Did it!”
- “If we can get through 2020 together, the rest is downhill from here!”
- “Officially off the market!”
- “It’s about time – we’re getting married!”
- “Does this ring make me look engaged?”
- “I put a ring on it.”
- “You’re looking at the future Mrs. [insert name]!”
- “Pop the champagne, I’m changing my last name!”
- “So this happened today…

“Funky Names”, designed by Phrosné Ras