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Anna Sheehan

Anna Sheehan. Based in Southlake, TX, US.

  • 3 awards won
  • 34 comments made
  • 1683 votes cast
  • Minted on Dec 26 2013
  • https://www.minted.com/creative/annasheehan


  • editor pick 3

About Anna Sheehan

As a mom to four young children (twins at the end), I love creating small pieces of art that express a child, adult or family's personality. Many of my working hours are in the playroom while the kids run around me, or late at night when the house is quiet. I have always had a love for quality paper products and unique designs & Minted is the perfect spot to find both. And even better, Minted supports the independent designers who truly have a passion for what they do each day.

designs by Anna Sheehan

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  • Corinne Malesic


Tonya on Jan 31 2014

I heart Pepperlindsey! They've been creating and proving my stationery for several years. They are extremely creative, responsive and reliable. What amazes me the Anna and Ashley produce amazing/timely work while staying at home with seven young children between the two of them. Wow! Their ideas don't stop and neither do their hard work. I can't recommend PL enough - they are fabulous!!!